Saturday, April 24, 2010

Aiden Facts

We are very blessed to have such a happy and healthy baby boy. Below are some details about Aiden.

Traveling- by plane and by car
Favorite Foods- Bananas and Enfamil
Shows- Yo Gabba Gabba and Baby Einstein
Being outdoors and in water
Music and being held

Nap time
Vegetables, especially peas and green beans
Anyone messing with his nose

Shoes- 5w
Clothes- 12 mos.
Toys with sound and lights
Size 4 Pampers

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wow, its been a while. Aiden has been keeping us busy ;). He is moving all over the place. He can crawl and pull up on his on. He has great balance while sitting and standing. Since the last time I blogged, Aiden cousin, Scarlett, was born. Check out Scarlett's blog at Overall God has been great to all of us, and in 2.5 weeks we will be celebrating Aiden's first birthday. His birthday party will be held on Saturday, May 8, 2010 at 1:30p.m. in Lusby, MD.