Thursday, May 21, 2009

To my graduates...

Both Khary and Aiden graduate today. Khary with his Master's degree in Real Estate Development from University of Maryland College Park, and Aiden to new heights in his development. Aiden is now drinking 27 CC of milk, his weight is 3lbs 6.5oz, no oxygen is flowing through his nasal cannula, and there are no fluids running through his IV line. With this achievement brings new hurdles to overcome, and we have no doubt that Aiden will also achieve them ahead of schedule.

I am proud of both of you!!


  1. I am one proud mother and grandmother. I love you both to death. Jewel Wrenn - Khary's mom and Aiden's GG.

  2. Hello Nelly and Khari, I am so excited for Mr. Aiden. I hope you guys are doing well. Congrats Khari!!
